for Cats
When surgery is necessary, your cat is in excellent hands at Cat Tales. Our veterinarians have extensive experience with soft-tissue procedures, from minor wounds or masses to major abdominal surgeries. This level of experience translates into consistently excellent outcomes for our patients.
Equally important, we have established relationships with veterinary specialists in the region, so if your cat requires more advanced or specialized surgical expertise, we can make a referral quickly and efficiently.

- The common surgical procedures we perform
Among the most common procedures our cats-only veterinary surgeons perform are:
- Abscess drainage
- Bladder surgery
- C-sections
- Gastrointestinal surgery including intestinal obstruction
- Dental extractions
- Spay/neuter
- Mass removal
- Wound repair
- A word about anesthesia
We understand that you may have some concerns about your cat having anesthesia during surgery. Rest assured that our experienced team takes exceptional care of your feline companion at every step along the way.
- We conduct a thorough pre-op health assessment to determine the safest approach for administering anesthesia to your cat
- We use sophisticated equipment to carefully monitor your cat at all times during and after surgery
- We use feline-specific anesthetic medications and protocols
Your cat’s comfort is our priority.
Keeping your cat comfortable before, during and after surgery is one of our highest priorities, and we use the most current pain management techniques. Your veterinarian will select the appropriate medications based on your feline’s specific needs.
Questions about surgery at Cat Tales? Simply call us at 530.517.5100.